EASME Proposal

Design proposal submitted as part of the EASME work winning tender. The brief required the visualization of a concept that encouraged the movement of students, job seekers, employers or entrepreneurs across European countries for travel, work and adventure.


The design solution focused on young people who loved to travel, work and enjoy new adventures in different European countries. Using a vibrant color palette selected from the European Commission brand guidelines, the visual styles create a fresh, dynamic and exciting visual experience. 

The design solution uses photography that is relatable to the target audience, allowing them to either remember a previous experience or be encouraged to create new ones. 

It was crucial to ensure the solution adhered to the basic requirements of the European brand guidelines, therefore typography, color palette, and top tier branding were used by following their requirements.


A graphic symbol was designed in the form of a heart and airplane to symbolize the term ‘love to travel’ as the primary focus of the concept. Automatically leading to the notion that an individuals ‘love of travel’ will lead to a ‘love of adventure’ and ‘love of the outdoors’. The brief also required a digital landing page that would inform users of the initiative by the EASME Agency. The landing page was designed to allow users to provide there feedback based on their personal experiences with regards to travel and seeking employment in other European counties. The aim of this data collection was to help improve future policy and programmes.